Browsing by Subject Migration

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Economic, Political and Socio-Demographic Factors Driving Migration Decision Making of Afghan People: An Empirical Study Based on Survey of Afghan People 2018.Saleh, Wahidullah
2021-12The Effect of Remittance on the Level of Enrollment to Universities during Covid-19: Evidence from Konibodom, Northern Part of TajikistanMuhamadjonov, Suhrob
2015Estimation of Possible Effect of Russian Ruble Devaluation on Migration Inflow from Kyrgyz Republic to Russian FederationOsmonalieva, Nazgul
2014Impact of Migration and Remittances on Enrolment in Higher Education Institutions, Kyrgyzstan CaseLim, Ekaterina
2015The Impact of Parental Migration on Education of their Children: Case of TajikistanBakhromova, Davlatmokh
2017Impact of Remittances on Health and Education Expenditures of Households of KyrgyzstanEsenamanov, Azamat
2019The Impact of Remittances on the Unemployment Rate. The Case of 13 Post Soviet Countries (2004 – 2017)Saidmamadov, Farrukh
2020-12The Influence of Income on Migration Intentions in Afghanistan (2016-2019)Badri, Yahya
2014The Influence of International Remittances on Poverty in Kyrgyz RepublicAlymkulova, Nazgul
2017Labour Migration from Uzbekistan: Challenges in the Protection of Labour MigrantsIlmiaminova, Madinahon
2020-12Medical and Social Security of Kyrgyz Migrants in Moscow, Russia, after Accession of Kyrgyzstan to the EEURakhmatulaeva, Kamila
2016Migration and Its Discontents in Central Asia: The Case of Returning Tajikistani ‘Gastarbeiters’Juraeva, Malika
2014Migration Policy of Post-Soviet Tajikistan 1992-2014: From Refugee Sender to Labour ExporterRakhmatboeva, Dilnoza
2017Migration, Remittances, and the Human Capital of Children in the Kyrgyz RepublicDzholdoshov, Zhoodar
2021-12Parental Migration and Human Capital of Children Left Behind in KyrgyzstanAzhimamatova, Akmaral
2014Remittances and Human Capital Formation: Micro-Evidence from KyrgyzstanLeskin, Andrey
2023-01Uyghurs in Uzbekistan: Strangers Among Alike?Odilov, Nuriddin
2024-01Youth Migration In GBAO: Staying, Leaving, Coming Back?Garibshozoda, Latofat