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Showing results 133 to 152 of 461 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-12Explaining Increase of Poppy Cultivation and Illicit Drugs in Southern Afghanistan (1989-2020)Moslim, Fazlullah
2020Explaining Variations in Voter Turnout Rates in Afghan Presidential ElectionsAmin, Shamsuddin
2013Exploring aid Distribution Mechanisms: A Case Study of Small and Medium Enterprise Development in AfghanistanHussaini, Azada
2013Exploring the Authoritarian Regime of Uzbekistan Through Its Cotton SectorShaymardanova, Zarema
2012Exploring the Weakness of Opposition Parties in Kazakhstan’s Dominant Party SystemIzbair, Bibigul
2019The Factors that Affect Net Interest Margin of Commercial Banks in Case of Central Asian Countries (2011-2017)Kulukeeva, Begimai
2019Female Educators and Gendered Discourse of Nation Building in UzbekistanAkhmedova, Gulnoza
2012Feminist Critiques of Human Trafficking in Central Asia: Focus on KyrgyzstanKim, Liliya
2014Fighting Corruption: What Conditions Can Encourage Kyrgyz State Officials to Inform Against Their Colleagues?Koduranova, Aiana
2017Financial Deepening, Property Rights, and Poverty: Evidence from Transition CountriesRamkhudo, Sitora
2014Financial Development, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction: Cross-Country Evidence (Low Income Countries)Mamytova, Saltanat
2015Food Security in Central Asia: One Problem – Different ApproachesKurolova, Dilfuza
2015Foreign Aid and Rent-Seeking: Case of CIS RegionPetrova, Viktoriia
2017Foreign Aid and the Symbolic Domination of Donors: The Case of KyrgyzstanBegeyeva, Gulzhan
2014Foreign Aid – Blessing or Curse in Fragile StatesAbylkasymova, Alina
2017Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Economic Growth in Southern and Southeastern Asian Developing EconomiesAhmadi, Naqibullah
2018Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan: Analysis of Multi-Vector Foreign PolicyOmirali, Dinmukhamed
2017From Borat to Expo: Kazakhstan’s Nation Branding as Soft PowerSerikov, Ayan
2014From Nonintervention to Strict Control: Explaining Changes in Policy on Religion of Kyrgyz Republic 1991-2014Artykova, Aziza
2021-12The Full Withdrawal of the United States Military Forces from Afghanistan and Power TransformationSarmast, Zarlasht